Symbols of Czech Easter are cross, Easter whip, Easter Lamb, Easter Bunny and painted eggs. We decorate eggs with eggs colour, wax and adhesive tape. We make Easter lamb and sweet Easter bread. Holidays are long for one week. At Easter it is fun and people are very noisy./ Pavla/
One of symbols of Czech Easter is Easter lamb.It can be chocolate,vanilla,etc.Boys go with Easter whip and girls give them painted eggs or tape to their whips.
Easter whip consists of eight,twelve or even twenty-four twigs and it,is usually from half a metre to two metres long and decorated with coloured ribbons at the end. / Barča /
Symbols of Czech Easter
1.Easter lamb - We have chocolate lambs, roast lamb and other smack.
2.cross - It's remembrace of Jesus Christus.
5.eggs - We decorate many eggs. We paint many designs. It's very funny.
7.Easter whip - Boys knit Easter whip and they strap girls and woman. We must give eggs to him./ Eliška Z./
Easter food-sweet easter bread-people make it of flour,butter,salt,sugar,eggs,raisins and almonds.Then we bake it.
Easter lamb-People bake it in a special shape.We sprinkle it with sugar. / Ann B. /
about Easter stuffing
What do you need:
soaked bread ( ou..it is terrible)
smoked meat
chopped herbs
young nettles
People eat it with potatoes..We don't eat it and I think it must be nauseating food../ Adela Z./
Let´s go talking about easter food
.All families have their traditions,but ALL families eat eggs.Boys are carolling girls and they give boys Easter eggs.People cook sweet Easter bread,sweet Easter lambs and make Easter stuffing.Easter lambs have a ribbon around the neck.
We can smell a nice goodness,and all families are happy! / Eliška Š. /
Every Easter almost all families bakes Easter lamb. It is something like Easter cake ...
Some families bake Easter stuffing prepare of soaked bread, smoked meat, chopped herbs, young nettles and eggs - and Easter buns servered with butter and honey.
Next day after Easter, many people eat something with eggs, because eggs are prizes for carolling... / Lucy/
I will talk about Czech tradition called "Carroling".
The special thing of carroling is whip. If you want to make Easter whip, you have to cut thin branches, then plait some kind of braid of these branches and tie colourful ribbons on your special Easter whip!
Only men make Easter whips. They are called carollers. On Easter Monday they go around houses, from door to door to chase girls and women. It´s very funny.. but sometimes painful, too. After chasing men receive some eggs, sweet and spirit in return.
In my family no one goes carroling and we don´t open the door for carrolers./ Dana/
In our country we have Easter as folk-memory. For boys it is a very good day, because we can punch girls. For this we use Easter whips. We must make it from twigs and ribbons and we can go carroling but we must be fast, because girls after 12:00 a.m. can throw cold water on us. I like carolling because I can get a lot of eggs and sweets. / Peter/
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