pátek 29. února 2008

Easter Quiz


How much do you know about history of Easter? You can try it now.

Famous people in Romania - by Anna B.

Nadia Comaneciová-She was good at gymnastics.
Michal I.-the king of Romania
Pavel Stratan-Very famous

Dracula from Lucie D.


Flag and the national anthem of Romania


Big cities in Romania


Basic information about Romania


About Romanian Traditions

Dragaica (Sanzienele)

Dragaica (or Sanzienele) is an important Midsummer Day festival and fair which takes place on the 24th of June, when a specific Romanian lively folk dance is performed.When the harvest is almost ripe, the girls from the village gather together to choose Dragaica. This is the name given to the most beautiful and hard-working peasant girl who is selected to lead the dance. A procession is formed, sweeping through the fields. A wreath is plaited of grain stalks and put on Dragaica's head. The practice has auspicious and benefic functions.To the tune of a lad playing the flute or the bagpipe, the girls dance a jig from house to house, while singing ironic verse:" Jig, Dragaica, jig,/For in winter you will spin/Till your fingers will grow thin."

Dragaica or the procession of lasses is an agrarian midsummer custom in preparation for reaping.

The Wreath

This is an augural agrarian custom practised at the end of harvesting, designed to ensure the perpetuation of the vegetative process. It's fairly widespread especially in Muntenia, Oltenia, Transylvania and Dobrogea. The harvesters sing apposite verse: "Whence the wreath comes,/Stately corn staks shall grow./Whence the wreath goes/Many loaded carts shall follow."....by the 8th grade A (Cristiana, Roxana, Paula, Irina, Victoria, Francesca and Alexandra) and the 5th grade A - School No. 191, Bucharest, Romania

Here is the text in Romanian: Steaua sus rasare/ Ca o taina mare/ Steaua straluceste/ Si lumii vesteste/ Ca azi preacurata, cea nevinovata, Fecioara Maria/ Naste pe Mesia/ In tara vestita/ Bethlehem numita.

"Paparuda"/ "Paparudele" (The Paparudas)

This is an augural agrarian custom. It has multiple motivations,mainly concerned with drought and its consequences.A little girl clad with a dress made of leaves or shoots of willow goes dancing and singing a rain-invocation through the village lanes, together with other boys and girls until an older woman comes along and sprinkles the Paparuda with cold water. The incantation should release rain and save the harvest."Paparuda, Paparuda,/Come and sprinkle water,/Sprinkle from a pail/Until we cry hail....Let the rain pour down/ From dusk till dawn/...

For example:

In Romania, the winter feasts start on 24th December and finish on 7th December. Their central events occur during the Christmas Days, New Year and Epiphany. The most important feature of these feasts is their rich repertoire of customs, traditions and beliefs. Everything that happens over this period must have an augural significance.

Children go from house to house singing Christmas carols. The traditional gifts which they naturally expect to receive include fruit, nuts and knot-shaped bread.

"Steaua" (The Star)

Another interesting custom is the Star (Steaua). This is a large star made of coloured glossy paper, lighted inside like a lantern, which school children, in groups of three carry in the evening of Christmas from house to house, singing: The Star is rising high / Like a hidden mistery/ The Star shines brightly/ And to the world announces/ That today the pure/ The Immaculate Virgin Mary/ Gives birth to Messiah/ In that famous city/ Known by the name of Bethlehem. / written by Aneta S. /

Easter symbols in the Czech Republic

Romanian Easter

Romanian traditions
Here, Easter is the second most imporant religious holiday so we have many traditions related to it. One of them is to paint eggs red then crack them and say "Christ has ressurected!" and "He truly has!".

On the Ressurection Night we go to Church and we eat "pasca" (hallowed bread and wine). On the following day we eat lamb, boiled red eggs, traditional pie "cozonac" (a sweet bread with different fillings).

I love Easter because all the family gets together. ^_^ Catalina/


I understand you have a nearly agressive Easter. :P We, on the other hand, have a lot of respect for the female sex.

They are considered flowers, that boys have to "water" - with perfume - and sing a short poem, encouraging the flower to blossom. It'a a spring-related habbit, signaling the coming of the warmer season, and the blossoming flowers!

We have traditional dished for easter - most noticeable are the lamb stakes and the coloured eggs, but this varies between regios! We also greet eachother with the sentence "Jesus resurected!", and "Truely, he did", after the easter day, for 40 days.

Czech Easter and its traditions

Symbols of Czech Easter are cross, Easter whip, Easter Lamb, Easter Bunny and painted eggs. We decorate eggs with eggs colour, wax and adhesive tape. We make Easter lamb and sweet Easter bread. Holidays are long for one week. At Easter it is fun and people are very noisy./ Pavla/

One of symbols of Czech Easter is Easter lamb.It can be chocolate,vanilla,etc.Boys go with Easter whip and girls give them painted eggs or tape to their whips.

Easter whip consists of eight,twelve or even twenty-four twigs and it,is usually from half a metre to two metres long and decorated with coloured ribbons at the end. / Barča /

Symbols of Czech Easter

1.Easter lamb - We have chocolate lambs, roast lamb and other smack.

2.cross - It's remembrace of Jesus Christus.



5.eggs - We decorate many eggs. We paint many designs. It's very funny.


7.Easter whip - Boys knit Easter whip and they strap girls and woman. We must give eggs to him./ Eliška Z./

Easter food-sweet easter bread-people make it of flour,butter,salt,sugar,eggs,raisins and almonds.Then we bake it.

Easter lamb-People bake it in a special shape.We sprinkle it with sugar. / Ann B. /

about Easter stuffing

What do you need:

soaked bread ( ou..it is terrible)

smoked meat

chopped herbs

young nettles


People eat it with potatoes..We don't eat it and I think it must be nauseating food../ Adela Z./

Let´s go talking about easter food

.All families have their traditions,but ALL families eat eggs.Boys are carolling girls and they give boys Easter eggs.People cook sweet Easter bread,sweet Easter lambs and make Easter stuffing.Easter lambs have a ribbon around the neck.

We can smell a nice goodness,and all families are happy! / Eliška Š. /

Every Easter almost all families bakes Easter lamb. It is something like Easter cake ...

Some families bake Easter stuffing prepare of soaked bread, smoked meat, chopped herbs, young nettles and eggs - and Easter buns servered with butter and honey.

Next day after Easter, many people eat something with eggs, because eggs are prizes for carolling... / Lucy/

I will talk about Czech tradition called "Carroling".


The special thing of carroling is whip. If you want to make Easter whip, you have to cut thin branches, then plait some kind of braid of these branches and tie colourful ribbons on your special Easter whip!

Only men make Easter whips. They are called carollers. On Easter Monday they go around houses, from door to door to chase girls and women. It´s very funny.. but sometimes painful, too. After chasing men receive some eggs, sweet and spirit in return.

In my family no one goes carroling and we don´t open the door for carrolers./ Dana/


In our country we have Easter as folk-memory. For boys it is a very good day, because we can punch girls. For this we use Easter whips. We must make it from twigs and ribbons and we can go carroling but we must be fast, because girls after 12:00 a.m. can throw cold water on us. I like carolling because I can get a lot of eggs and sweets. / Peter/

Photos of our Romanian friends


Dej our friends´ town


Presentation Ceska Lipa 2


Presentation Ceska Lipa 1


Ceska Lipa

This is our presentation about our town from June 2007 Now we are one year older.

Romanian school


Our school Gymnázium Česká Lípa


Romanian important days

1st January - New Year’s Day

6th January - Baptism of Christ

24th February - ,,Dragobete’’ or the St Valentine’s Day

1st March - Spring Festival

8th March - Mother’s Day

1st April - The trick Day

A week before the Easter -,,Paparudele’’

April/May - Easter

40 days from Easter - Hero’s Day

1st May - Labor Day

1st June - Children’s Day

24th June - ,,Sanzaienele”

26th June - Flag Day

20th July - Gaina Mountain ,,Girl Trade”

29Th July - National Anthem Day

August - Town’s Day

15th August - St.Mary

30th November - St. Andrew

1st December - National Day, Union Day

8th December - Constitution Day

24-25 December - Christmas

Author: cristina-ecaterina suciu
Published: 25.01.2008

Living traditions- the list of the Czech important days

We celebrate 1st January- New Year ś day- people usually sleep
14th February- Valentine´s Day
March- spring holidays, Easter
April- 1st- All Fools´Day
April 30th - Witches´Day- we burn witches on bonfires
1st May- Labour Day
8th Victory Day
1st June- Children´s Day
30th June- the end of the school year
July- August - holidays
6th July- Jan Hus Day
7th July- Cyril and Methodus Day
1st September- beginning of the school year
28th September- St. Wenceslas Day
October- autumn holiday, 28th October- National Day
17th November- Students´day
24th Christmas Eve
25th Christmas Day
26th 2 nd Christmas Day
31st New Year´s Eve

These are our festivals and the students will write about their favourite ones.

Christmas- my favourite season

CHRISTMAS-I love it,because our family is together,.We buy Christmas tree and presents.On TV there are many fairy-tales and I watch them.We eat many good food as fish and potato salad.I love decorating Christmas tree.26 th December my family visit my grandmother. / Anna/

My favourite festival is Christmas. I like presents and sweets. We have potato salad and chicken steak. We have cola and beer. We have a Christmas tree with decorations. We haven´t got any practice. After the Christmas dinner we give presents. I like Christmas.../ Pavla/

My favourite festival is Christmas... I like presents and my family...
At christmas we eat sweets, chicken steak, fish, and potato salad.
We have a Christmas tree with some decorations and electric candles.
Christmas is very happy festival.../ Radka/

My favourite festival is New Year´s Eve.I like it because it´s a lot of fun.My parents and I celebrate New Year with our friends.We have a lot drink and food. For example Coca-Cola and peanuts.At 12:00 p.m. I and my father shoot fireworks.I like this festival. / Barca/

Favourite festival
My favourite festival is Christmas Eve. I like it because it's very funny.
We make cookies, Christmas cake and folk tradition.
We cast muffler, decorate a Christmas tree and we watch fairy tales on TV.
We play many games. Sometimes we go skiing.
We fry steak and meat sausage.
I love Christmas Eve. / Eliska Z./

Favourite festival
I have not got any favourite festival, but Christmas Eve is a very nice day, we have got many special melas and many presents./ Lucie /

Czech Christmas

Spicak Hill

Shopping in Ceska Lipa

Česká Lípa- our town

Tercie B

Here are some of our pictures

Cycling in Česká Lípa

Plan of the project

September- October- register the project- personal letters, photos in the photogallery. National holidays October- National holidays, our school, powerpoint presentation about our school. November - The place where I live / based on the European project – The Image of the other /- www.europeanschoolsproject.org/ letter 2- My home - hints / 4. December - Using podcast – two Christmas songs, one will be in English and one will be in Czech or Hungarian, songs which are not in English will be translated into English. students will write Christmas cards to their penfriends – they can create the cards on line or they can send real cards- we will discuss it later organize the first on-line chat / videoconference / - topic My hobbies/ free time . January - proverbs – comparing Czech and Hungarian proverbs through English a bit of language- let´s teach each other some words in Czech and Hungarian/ use video. podcast.ect.... February - March- traditions- Easter- free time activities April - The Image – based on the letter 10. www.europeanschoolsproject.org/ There are a lot of questions which children will ask their partners / in the forum, chat or in a letter/ at the end of the month they should be able to write about their penfriend as much as possible. May - Evaluation of the project, holiday plans, typical holiday for Czech and Hungarian people.
Práce studentů: The students will follow the schedule and they will add a short information about all National holidays and traditions. They will compare them with the partners holidays. The will find similarities in history. Final products- powerpoint presentations. film, videos, word, They will create a presentation about their friends in the partner´s country.